Electronic Components

"Electronic Components "

Some of the most commonly used electronic components are resistors, capacitors, inductors,diodes, LEDs, TV, transistors, crystals and oscillators, electromechanical components like relays and switches, ICs, and connectors.

Electronic Components

Electronic television is a type of television that uses electronic signals to produce images on a video screen. This type of television is a visual medium that transmits images and sounds by means of radio waves, microwaves, or infrared rays

Electronic Components

M6763 Pad 2023 

• All-new HD 10.1 tablet 
• built for relaxation 
• 10.1" vibrant Full HD screen octa-core processor 
• 3 GB RAM 

Electronic Components

UPI Soundbox

 Aadyashree Agro proudly offers a wide range of services, including the supply of innovative payment solutions like the UPI Payment Soundbox. Our commitment to meeting the diverse needs of our customers extends beyond traditional offerings, as we strive to provide cutting- edge technologies that simplify payment processes for businesses. The payment Soundbox is just one example of our dedication to enhancing the efficiency and convenience of transactions for merchants in India, both in the private and government sectors.

Electronic Components

Portable Biometric Scanners 

 SecuGen Hamsters are the industry's most accurate, rugged, portable and affordable USB fingerprint readers. These high-performance, versatile readers feature advanced optical sensors engineered with patented technology to give you the highest quality in portable fingerprint biometrics.
